Talaan is the Library Patron Management of the University Library. This dynamic system was developed to support Buklod in verifying the authenticity of the patrons while filling in the stopgap caused by the unavailability of patron data from web services and API of authorized sources in the University like the Human Resource Information System (HRIS), Human Resource Development Office (HRDO), and Student Academic Information System (SAIS).

The primary objective of Talaan is to streamline and simplify the management of library patrons. In the past, library staff faced the inefficient task of manually organizing and updating patron data on each database. Talaan steps in to revolutionize this process, replacing repetitive manual work with automated, real-time solutions. This not only saves time but also ensures the accuracy and authenticity of the patron records.

The name "Talaan" is a reflection of the core mission of this platform — record. It encapsulates the essence of creating a comprehensive and reliable repository of patron data to support the library's functions and services.

Talaan showcases the brand new logo of the Information Technology Division. The logo is a perfect embodiment of efficiency and modernization, just like how Talaan streamlines library patron management. Its unconventional structure, reminiscent of a V-shaped book scanner, signifies the ITD’s commitment in capturing the very essence of providing service and information management to the UP Constituents, while the center inscription of “ITD” within an encompassing circle represents the division’s pivotal role in transforming information systems and unwavering dedication in providing comprehensive solutions.

Developed for @ UL IT Division
University Library Website
Designed & Crafted by NNBallarta